Holy Thursday: The Night That Changed the World By: Francois Mauriac

Holy Thursday: The Night That Changed the World By: Francois Mauriac


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On the night before His death, His betrayer already at work, our Lord lifted a simple chalice in a world covered in darkness. Elevating it, He sealed for eternity a new covenant between God and man, imparting to us the gift of His Body and Blood.

In these sublime meditations on the events of Holy Thursday, Nobel laureate Franois Mauriac reminds us of the ineffable value of the gift given us that evening in the Upper Room: the Eucharist, present still in the tabernacles of the world where Christ waits patiently for us to visit Him, pray with Him, and receive fullness of life from Him.

To read these stirring pages is to rejoice again in the fact that Christ has not left us orphans. He remains with us at all times in the Eucharist, without which we can never attain true peace. As Mauriac notes, "No man knows himself, if he has not looked at his soul in the light of the Host lifted above the ciborium."

Come, then, into the heart of this mystery of our Faith. Take your seat at the table beside our Lord. Learn why millions of souls believe that Christ is physically present in their local church, and discover the joy they experience when they meet Him there. You, too, can have the strength, the hope, and the consolation Christ gives to all who place themselves beside Him.

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These pages are for all those weary ones who go to Mass faithfully but still find no relief for their parched and careworn spirits. The famed novelist Francois Mauriac walks through the great events of Holy Thursday, showing how each -- the foot washing, the institution of the priesthood and the Eucharist, and more -- flows from the abiding love of the Savior. His reflections on each are vivid, spirit-filled, and able to move the stoniest heart to fervor.

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