Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem to the Resurrection by Pope Benedict XVI

Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week: From the Entrance Into Jerusalem to the Resurrection by Pope Benedict XVI


What happened during the final week of Jesus of Nazareth's earthly life? How did the man whom many hailed as the Messiah on Palm Sunday come to be rejected by the leaders of his own people just a few days later? Was he a political revolutionary? Who was responsible for his death - the Romans or the Jewish authorities - or both? How did Jesus view his suffering and death? How should we? And most importantly, did Jesus really rise from the dead? In Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week - From the Entrance Into Jerusalem to the Resurrection, Pope Benedict XVI takes up these and other crucial questions. He dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus' life, teaching, death, and resurrection.

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